siobhan middleton siobhan middleton

This woman could change the world of business

Every organisation, at every level, is daily facing increasing challenges with high incidence of mental illness and the need to engage productively with AI. This extremely successful woman has very clearly stated where the solution lies. This article explains who she is, what she said, and what is required in order to achieve that solution.

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siobhan middleton siobhan middleton

2. The Discovery Process

Behind every issue lies a hiden opportunity so great it dwarfs any impact the issue may have had. Here’s an explanation of how those opportunities can readily be discovered.

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siobhan middleton siobhan middleton

3. Why a different approach is needed

Leader-led leadership is naturally flawed and spending time and money in such an approach is a poor investment. Studies have shown time and again that culture is the prime driver, more than strategy and more than leadership. There is therefore a need for a different approach to change intervention, and this article explains what that change involves, and why it works

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siobhan middleton siobhan middleton

4. Maximising ROI - The structure

Reliance on “Leader-led” leadership has intrinsic fundamental flaws due to personal bias which impedes organizational development. Alternative, additional approaches are required that apply structure to the process of mitigating and eliminating individual limiting beliefs and fears.” This article explains an approach that involves low cost and low risk that works

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siobhan middleton siobhan middleton

5. How micro-cultures can change an entire company

No variation in organisational structure, leadership training, talent development or incentives will change the fact that in instances of conflicting interest or pressures the unconscious mind dominates and both impacts and determines attitudes and behaviour. It may seem counter-intuitive, but focusing on micro-cultures has proven “viral potential” in having an impact on an entire company - here are the reasons why.

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siobhan middleton siobhan middleton

6. Nature’s clues to successful change

Nature has the most profound capacity to facilitate success, adaptability, and resilience, and cause viral change. it will pay dividends to consider how natural processes might be considered and applied in some way to a change initiative. This article explains clues from nature that are relevant and what is required to take advantage of that knowledge

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siobhan middleton siobhan middleton

7. Developing courage, authenticity & creativity (Copy)

The three most impactful behaviours people can demonstrate in influencing others are courage, authenticity, and natural creativity. These are fundamental attributes of “leadership” which is a subject about which literally thousands of articles have been written yet failures in “leadership” remain a major challenge for organisations. These are the most desired behaviours yet the most difficult to display. This article lays out the structure and processes through which organisations can overcome employee lack of trust, fears, and low self-belief. The programme as described has low cost, minimal risk, and no disruption to ongoing business procedures

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siobhan middleton siobhan middleton

Common myths dramatically limit innovation and productivity

Common myths dramatically limit innovation and productivity:

1) To be creative / innovative you have to think “outside the box”

2) Some people are naturally creative while others are not

3) Innovation requires a specific focus and knowledge of what’s

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