“The best tools for change are simple, elegant and subtle and those three words aptly sum up this tool. The results have been astonishing, helping to shift thinking in profound ways. Words can’t describe how effective this really is. You simply have to try it for yourself to understand, feel and know its power.”

This is a ‘card-based’ business tool designed on game principles. It is ideal for individuals and groups of 2 – 12 people.

It immediately triggers self-reflection and intuitive ideas.

It exposes hidden issues that are important for people to be aware of and acknowledge.

It is exceptionally adaptive having multiple uses for personal and group development

It’s applications include problem solving, stress release, innovative thinking, strategic and project planning

  • • A set of 81 triangular cards, consisting 9 sets of 9, designed specifically to engage an individual’s logic, emotion and intuition: what they think, sense and feel.

    • Each card contains a mix of unique logical and intuitive prompts. The exception is one set of 9 which contains a repetition of three groups of three with the same detail. In addition, there is one set of 9 that includes illustrations

    • A 52 pages User Manual providing: the principles underlying development of the tool, detailed instructions and explanation of the process, and of its diverse applications

    • Forms are included for the purpose of establishing benchmarks, recording and reflecting on personal and group observations, together with subsequent individual action commitments

  • The key benefit is that the process extremely quickly encourages positive changes in thinking. It stimulates new perspectives, recognition of what really matters, and awareness of issues or opportunities that were previously not noticed or acknowledged.

    Consequently, it enables people to manage stress, improve their mental resilience, take greater responsibility for their actions and become more engaged and effective.

  • Although there are three roles, participant, facilitator and observer. These are dependent on how many people take part and are always optional.

    There are no rules, merely guidance which gives people individual choice on how to proceed. This encourages raised awareness and self-respect for what thoughts occur, and what they sense and feel.

    Any number of cards are chosen face down, intuitively, before exposing some or all of them.

    The process is a stress-free, non-competitive, non-confrontational environment free from the ability of other people to influence, interfere or interpret anything that occurs